manfaat buah
» Manfaat/Khasiat Kulit Buah Manggis
34 khasiat kulit manggis: - anti-fatigue ( energy booster / berikan tenaga )
- powerful anti-inflammatory ( prevents inflammation / anti peradangan )
- analgesic ( prevents pain/mencegah sakit urat saraf )
- anti-ulcer ( stomach, mouth and bowel ulcers )
- anti-depressant ( low to moderate / menghindar kemurungan )
- anxyolytic ( anti-anxiety effect/mencegah kegelisahan, panik & kuatir )
- anti-alzheimerian ( helps prevent dementia/mencegah penyegah alzheimeria )
- anti-tumor and cancer prevention ( shown to be capable of killing cancer cells/mencegah kanker
- immunomodulator ( helps the immune system/system kekebalan )
- anti-aging ( anti penuaan )
- anti-oxidant ( antioksidan / buang toxic / membuang racun didalam badan )
- anti-viral ( membunuh kuman )
- anti-biotic ( modulates bacterial infections )
- anti-fungal ( prevents fungal infections / anti infeksi oleh jamur )
- anti-seborrheaic ( prevents skin disorders )
- anti-lipidemic ( blood fat lowering / membuang kolesterol )
- anti-atherosclerotic ( prevents hardening of arteries )
- cardioprotective ( protects the heart / melindungi kesehatan jantung )
- hypotensive ( blood pressure lowering / merendahkan tekanan darah )
- hypoglycemic ( anti-diabetic effect, helps lower blood sugar / kurangi gula didalam darah )
- anti-obesity ( helps with weight loss / menghindar obesitas )
- anti-arthritic ( prevention of arthritis / menghindar sakit tulang )
- anti-osteoporosis ( helps prevent the loss of bone mass / menghindar tulang rapuh )
- anti-periodontic ( prevents gum disease / menghindar gusi berdarah )
- anti-allergenic ( prevents allergic reaction )
- anti-calculitic ( prevents kidney stones/cegah batu karang )
- anti-pyretic ( fever lowering/rendahkan suhu badan )
- anti-parkinson ( penyakit saraf parkinson )
- anti-diarrheal ( menghindar diare )
- anti-neuralgic ( reduces nerve pain/ meringankan sakit urat saraf )
- anti-vertigo ( prevents dizziness )
- anti-glaucomic ( prevents glaucoma/sakit mata )
- anti-cataract ( prevents cataracts )
- pansystemic ( has a synergistic effect on the whole body/mengimbangi seluruh badan ) - (http://www.xamthone-international.com)
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