Many people especially teenager has a trouble on his/her sleep it’s because they have many activities on the day, normally we have to sleep at least 8 to 9 hour a day, but not for the teenager in this era they only have four hour range of sleep a day and that’s not enough to refresh our body.
This sleep trouble also called insomnia. So, today I’d like to discuss about Insomnia on daily activities. I will give information to you about the caused of insomnia, the effect of insomnia, and how to solve the insomnia.
This sleep trouble also called insomnia. So, today I’d like to discuss about Insomnia on daily activities. I will give information to you about the caused of insomnia, the effect of insomnia, and how to solve the insomnia.
First, let’s begin with the caused of insomnia. Insomnia is a trouble in a sleep that following by listless or weak all day caused by lack of sleep. Generally the victim of insomnia will hard / difficult to sleep when his or her awake in the night, its caused by many factor such as:
1. Physically factor that caused by: influenza asthma sinus etc.
2. Environment factor which is unpleasant smell noise smoke, alcohol, medicine for strength, etc.
3. Life style factor such as smoking cigarette alcohol drugs etc.
4. Psychological Factor such as stress continuously depression and many other.
1. Physically factor that caused by: influenza asthma sinus etc.
2. Environment factor which is unpleasant smell noise smoke, alcohol, medicine for strength, etc.
3. Life style factor such as smoking cigarette alcohol drugs etc.
4. Psychological Factor such as stress continuously depression and many other.
This trouble of sleep or insomnia has 3 kinds: Transient Insomnia which is temporarily, Short insomnia that is happen only one until two week, Chronic insomnia that is happen until 3 week.
Second, next let’s discuss about the effect of Insomnia.The effect of insomnia will decrease our blood pressure and disturb our physics and mental, the physics indication generally makes you feel angry sensitive depressed and lost our spirit some time for student will be lost their concentration in the class room and will be decrease our intelligent. Its also increase the risk of obesity depression and hyperactive.
An institute named “ SLEEP SCOTLAND” has make an experiment about “sleep” based on their experiment he explain that a good sleep will increase our academic value health body and mine into a good condition and sure that will bring you to be a spirit person and the strong one. So that, we must keep our condition if we won’t get insomnia.
A recent study published in Biological Psychiatry Elsevier Volume67 issue 2 (15January 2010) the results of this study indicate, chronicinsomnia may have a relationship with reduced cortical volume. Somechronic stress situations, such as depression and post traumatic stress disorder.
The National Sleep Foundation's 2002 Sleep in America poll showed that 58% of adults in the U.S. experienced symptoms of insomnia a few nights a week or more. Although insomnia was the most common sleep problem among about one half of older adults (48%), they were less likely to experience frequent symptoms of insomnia than their younger counterparts (45% vs. 62%), and their symptoms were more likely to be associated with medical conditions, according to the poll of adults between the ages of 55 and 84.
So, now I have any solution to making out insomnia. How to solve the trouble of sleep or Insomnia? Such as:
1. Make a good life style such as not smoking, not stay up and talk all night, stay away from alcohol and drugs
2. Make a normal sleep schedule
3. Chose a calm environment health and comfortable for sleep
4. Make a schedule of physical exercise
5. Eat on time and enough for sleep
6. Don’t drink too much caffeine such as coffee chocolate tea etc.
1. Make a good life style such as not smoking, not stay up and talk all night, stay away from alcohol and drugs
2. Make a normal sleep schedule
3. Chose a calm environment health and comfortable for sleep
4. Make a schedule of physical exercise
5. Eat on time and enough for sleep
6. Don’t drink too much caffeine such as coffee chocolate tea etc.
In conclusion, insomnia is a trouble in a sleep that following by listless or weak all day, it caused by bad lifestyle and the physically factor. That is can decrease our blood pressure and disturb our physics and mental, and its also increase the risk of obesity depression and hyperactive. But, don’t worry, because all of it preventable if we want to far away from insomnia. Insomnia can come anytime so that’s way we have to protect our health, do the good life style, always be planning life with schedule.
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